Day 12/30 Day Geek Out Challenge

What is your favorite video game or series?

I love a lot of video game series! But my top ones would have to be the Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, and the Destiny series.

Don’t judge about the Animal Crossing love! I maybe 27, but I have loved that game series since I was about 10. I recently bought Happy House Designer and it’s a cute little game. I love that I don’t have to pour a ton of time into it to really enjoy it. I can play for 15 minutes while my littelt guy takes a nap, save, and then put it down. Plus it takes me away from the real world for that 15 minutes. The same goes with the other games I have played in this series, I can just get lost in it and not worry about bills and adult things. Lol. Which reminds me, I need to check up on my peeps in my New Leaf game. It’s been quite a few months.

I love Destiny because it’s the only FPS I can play without feeling like I’m going to puke. (I get motion sick really bad, even Minecraft makes me sick.) Plus the storyline is okay. There are a few things I would love to change about it, but I’m neither the developer or story writer. I like that the aliens in the game aren’t completely mindless and their species all have backstories. Something other than kill and eat.

The Legend of Zelda and I have been there for one another for years. I remember sitting on the floor, watching my dad beat the snot out of everything in Occarina of Time on the N64. I just loved everything about that game, even if some of the darker things scared the crap out of me. I was not a fan of the ReDeads and still am not. It’s the scream that gets me now because it’s irritating. (I have a copy of the game for my 3DS.) I would help my dad out by running through the Hylian Field while he would go get a drink or a snack, but the moment it came to fighting, I practially threw the controller back at him. I was 6 when it came out and was easily scared. Lol

What about you guys? What were/are your favorite game series?


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