30 Day Geek Out Challenge: Day 7!!

“What was the one fandom I love I didn’t think I would enjoy?”

I honestly didn’t think I would enjoy Lord of the Rings like I do now. I seen the 1st movie when I was in 6th grade, back in 2004. (O.o) I was sitting with a few friends and didn’t pay that much attention to it. I enjoyed Orlando Bloom and Viggo Mortenson for their good looks, but that about it. Lol. It wasn’t until I met my husband that I started to get into it. He would go into detail about certain things and it would make me more interested into the back stories.

I am ashamed to say that I have not finished the books. I love to read and I love details given in books, but Tolkien can get a little carried away. I can be wide awake when I start reading and about 30 minutes later, find myself rereading the same page for the 5th time. But when I hit my stride, I can fly through the pages. I do have to stop myself from imaging the movies too much because I know so much is changed from book to movie. A lot of stuff is left out, like Tom Bombadil and Frodo’s adventures pretaining to him. I would have loved to have seen who would’ve played him and how it would’ve turned out. I know movie time constraints, budget, and all that noise. Lol.

I would love to be able to go down to New Zealand and visit the Shire. Visit some of the places they filmed at and feel like I was a part of the adventure somehow. A regular at one of my old jobs, went to visit his home country of New Zealand, and landed at the airport with Gandalf atop the eagle. He took a pic of it because it reminded him of me and my little geek out about him going there. Needless to say, I was a tiny bit touched and a lot geeked out. Lol. But I left that job a couple years ago.

TL;DR: I love the Lord of the Rings, even though when I 1st seen it, I was not all about it. Lol.

What about you? Was there one fandom you are surprised you love?


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